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  • Writer's pictureMilked Fish


" As much as I believe in Aliens I hope Aliens believe in me"- Big Fudge (1578)

Its the debate as old as time its self are they or are they not real. From the great pyramids to Roswell to that old man swearing he was probed as a teenager. A lot of the claims of extra terrestrial life can be explained but not fully all the time but hey whats life without a little wonder and something you cant explain its exciting adds a little flare to it if everything and anything can be explained that just no fun so lets dive into a touch of local alien stories.

For as long as I can remember I've always loved the concept of aliens and over lifeforms living in this vast universe. Still to this day I love it watch videos of crafts articles podcasts all the alien info i can get all the time . Doesn't help the fact that I love doctor who big time seen every episode blankets tattoos poster salt and pepper shakers the whole thing.

So Today while losing my mind slowly from a mixture of quitting smoking video editing and my podcast not loading. I finished got on the ouch and starting watching some new alien ship videos yada yada but during the video i got reminded of a video my tattoo artist showed me about this gentleman and his two abduction stroies that happened to him so i pulled them up and re watched them. Then i went down the rabbit hole of locals and there alien stories and my own.

First off Steven Boucher a resident of St.Catharines his video online is something. He starts off with what is most common in alien encounters/abductions is a lose of time and memory along with a feeling of overwhelming emotion for no clear reason . When he was a child he had a encounter with a spacecraft and aliens on lakeshore road in st kitts where his father had the conversation with the aliens . One glaring flaw in the story is that he was 5 and the back tracking it was so well detailed every part of the story expect the part of what the creatures looked liked which really threw me off if you could get all those points exact and not one description of what it looks like . Personally i barley remember what i was doing at that age but that being said something like that would stick . ill leave the video link below and let everyone decide.

Second part of that video Steve Boucher recounts a second encounter him and band mates were travelling from Niagara on the lake to st kitts when a spaceship came down and stopped the van > He recalls everyone being frozen in there own spots the creatures didnt speak he recalled them talking to him thru his mind same as the first encounter the beings also claimed to have a base in lake Ontario . Which isnt the first time that has been mentioned but thats a rabbit hole for another day. All and all he says his encounter wasn't terrifying like a lot of other people that why it probably didn't get a lot of attention. Heres the link

The men in black no im not talking about the smooth talking will smith or the flop men in black international that crap shoot of a movie but in the mean time before i go down that rabbit hole heres the link for video and lets have a discussion

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