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  • Writer's pictureMilked Fish

The move #lifechange #newthings

Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown - Anthony Bourdain

life comes and goes faster then you expect one point your a enthusiast dishwasher next your a red seal chef sluming from job to job without your whole heart in it the optimism in almost everything you do fades you feel more and more down then you need to know that its time for a big change up. I should of noticed this in myself years ago but demons of past always stood in my way also im stubborn as they come and scared of change .

ive always been scared of alot flying being far away from what i know i had a final break down fed up with my old self and this overcoming fear of actually going and traveling living somewhere essentially growing the fuck up and do something positive and in the right direction for once in my adult life . Dont get me wrong im scared im nervous my anxiety is thru the roof but for once instead of looking for a way out of it im taking this challenge head on and i know i will succeed i will have days and nights of heart wrenching anxiety tears and everything else that goes along with it i will get thru it smiling slingling dick like i always do it will be sad leaving here leaving my family and friends missing times with them but that shall pass its time to do something for me and i have everyone support even if i just go out west fails miserably guess what i still went i gave it my all and ill get ready for my next adventure . Truth be told ive never been on a plane before so this is me busting my cherry for flying i hear it sucks i hear its tremendous im ignoring that all taking 2 gravols and hoping for the best .

What i hope i get about moving across country is conquering the fear of moving far far away and flying which i know they will be dissolved in this trip. Travel shows are my thing fucking love them so much i have always wanted to travel and eat and always been terrified so you know im taking steps to conquer that stuff with this trip im still going to continue to cook blog record content and podcast while im out there cuz i love to write and interview people

So all that being said im taking this by the balls and doing everything i can to make myself succeed in life and everything i want to do the attempt of growing up is alot more scarier then actually doing it the hype up the inner monolounge with yourself the closer the date gets the more confident i am that this is right move . And trust me im like most of the people out there ive dealt with mental health issues bad ones ive been real low before but hey that was the old me that asshole is gone but i always will remeber that person for a stepping stone to grow up move forward laugh at that coward of person you used to be and lets go out and get this you always can you can always be that better person you know you are it just takes those steps little by little you got this champ!!

Anyways i hope you enjoy this read and maybe it will help someone because i would love that dont forget to follow the podcast and youtube channel all under milked fish ill

leave the links below!! once again thank you and all the best youll hear from me soon _Milked Fish

not this trip but soon!!

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